Writers share their hearts, their limbs, their breasts -- even their teeth! -- in this stunning collection ...
“Think of it like a raspberry,” he said. It was an odd visual, certainly, yet I followed his lead …
A favorite quote I keep tacked to a bulletin board in my office reads: “One’s destination …
I’m not sure why my mind keeps returning to my time on the hill, the remote hill in Vermont …
We’d arrived at the ER just after midnight, January 5, 2016—ironically, Mom’s eighty-first birthday.
In late winter, 2020, I—and the world—learned that V is for virus. Shapeless, unable to be seen, heard ...
I was a late bloomer, learning to ride a bike. While most kids learn by kindergarten ...
The revolving door conveys people from congested streets into its halls like a major vein into the hospital’s heart.
I’ve had a headache for thirty days. OK, I’m lying. It’s closer to sixty, but sixty days sounds terribly long.
My brother Sean and I had a routine the summer we spent in hospital waiting rooms. He’d pull ...
I was at the final winery I’d be visiting in the Chianti region, seated at a long farm table with ...
A breeze swept off the water and into the car’s window as we crossed the Tobin Bridge toward home.
I hiccupped and slid into the booth beside Shelly. Wiggled out of my down coat. It was March, slushy ...
You were there, not conscious but in body, when they draped you, intubated and hooked you to a ventilator ...
I’ve felt the pull for years, to see what’s out there, how it differs from what I understand of the world ...
Our neighborhood has a sidewalk chalk artist, and I think she’s a girl. Twelve, maybe thirteen ...
Wake me up when September ends, lyrics implore, beneath a lonely chord. Twenty years have gone so fast ...
Dispatch, from a May morning. The birds don’t know. They didn’t get the memo. Their songs outside my ...
The buildings flow as one attached with lumber and nail and stories of conjoined life across two centuries.
A feathery kiss brushes my skin. Tingly, in the best possible way. Fleeting, as it melts and trickles ...
Kindergarten “show-and-tell” day. I trailed my brothers to school, clutching my Hanna-Barbera ...
Yellow rose topiary, big blooms billowing atop ball, ruffled roses commanding attention. Admiration.
Pinwheels of pain, blue and bursting, radiate from my shoulder, furious fireworks lit and launching off …
I am from an Irish Clan’s love,
strong as bedrock, deep as ocean. I am from a surgeon's scalpel ...
Garden gargoyle, rumpled of brow, drowsy of eye, pointy of ear, peeks at me as I work the earth ...
Melinda Wyers, Editor-in-Chief of Y2K Quarterly, invites writers to revisit memories from the Y2K era.
Susanna Baird, Editor-in-Chief of Five Minutes, discusses the micro-memoir form with me ... and more!
Dr. Megan Pillow - award-winning writer, teacher, and author - discusses her new book with me ... and more!
Diane Gottlieb, Prose and CNF Editor with ELJ, discusses with me the new anthology she edited ... and more!
Joy Clark, Managing Editor with eMerge, highlights the magazine from Dairy Hollow Writers Colony.
Claire Oleson, Senior Poetry Editor with Cleaver, deep dives on what makes poetry sing ... and more!
Brooke Warner, Publisher of She Writes Press, shares "a third way" to get a manuscript published!
Kathy Fish, award-winning writer and teacher, shares her expertise on all things flash writing ... and more!
Tobi Harper, Deputy Director with Red Hen Press, deep dives on what this independent press wants.
EIC Betsy Boyd and Poetry Editor Micaela Walley share what Welter looks for in writing submissions.
Christy O'Callaghan, Managing Editor with Barzakh, highlights the journal ... and how she picks a word for the year!
Amy Giuffrida, Literary Agent with The Jennifer De Chiara Agency, talks trends, querying, and home renovations!
Not one, not two, but three Co-Editors-in-Chief with Exposition Review join me for a wide-ranging chat.
Janna Maron, Editor & Publisher of Under the Gum Tree, shares more about her Nonfiction Bootcamp ... and more!
Maria Rogers, Literary Agent with The Tobias Agency, talks trends, querying, social media ... and more!
Lilly Dancyger - author, essayist, and editor - discusses her new memoir, her editorial services ... and more!
K.B. Carle, Associate Editor with Fractured Lit, talks flash fiction, fables, fairytales ... and more!
Marissa Glover, Senior Editor with The Lascaux Review, discusses contests, reprint opportunities ... and more!
As the discussion surrounding the use of AI in our creative writing lives rages on, I’m clear on how I want to use it.
When I wrote "Singultus" I was enrolled in a six-week writing workshop where we were encouraged to include ...
A fiction writer starts with meaning, then manufactures events to represent it. A memoirist starts with events, then ...
I spent my 2017 Thanksgiving in Barcelona. It was a departure, in many ways, from how I typically celebrate this U.S. holiday ...
There’s no better way for me to remember to appreciate my blessings than to travel, and to begin to understand how the other half ...